

Slides for the course will be posted here prior to the lecture in which they occur. I will do my best to keep on top of them and I would like to have them be in both a PDF and HTML format so that it is easy to access for everyone.

Week Date Topic Lecture Slides
1 08/27 Getting Started Week 1
- 08/29 Easing into R Slides
2 09/03 Research Design & Stats Slides
- 09/05 R Workflow Slides
3 09/10 Visualizing
- 09/12 Data Wrangling
4 09/17 Data Wrangling
- 09/19 Descriptives
5 09/24 Descriptives
- 09/26 Statistical Thinking
6 10/01 ANOVA
- 10/03 ANOVA
7 10/08 Regression
- 10/10 Regression
8 10/15 NO CLASS
- 10/17 Probability, Distributions & Inferences
9 10/22 Probability, Distributions & Inferences
- 10/24 Hypothesis Testing & Power
10 10/29 Hypothesis Testing & Power
- 10/31 Categorical Data Analysis
11 11/05 Categorical Data Analysis
- 11/07 Comparing Means
12 11/12 Comparing Means
- 11/14 ANOVA
13 11/19 ANOVA
- 11/21 Regression
14 11/26 Regression
- 11/28 NO CLASS
15 12/03
- 12/05