Unit 10 - Categorical Data

PSYC 640 - Nov 7, 2024

Dustin Haraden

Last Time

  • Review hypothesis testing

  • Conduct and interpret power analyses




  • The chi-square goodness-of-fit test

  • The chi-square test of independence (Book Chapter 12.2)

  • Review Assumptions of chi-square test

Pop Quiz…jk

  • What do we mean when we say a study was powered to an effect of 0.34?

  • What does a p-value tell us?


p-values = the probability of getting that score or higher if the null hypothesis was true

  • Power = the probability of correctly rejecting the null when the null is false

  • Categorical Data!

What are the steps of NHST?

  1. Define null and alternative hypothesis.

  2. Set and justify alpha level.

  3. Determine which sampling distribution ( \(z\), \(t\), or \(\chi^2\) for now)

  4. Calculate parameters of your sampling distribution under the null.

  • If \(z\), calculate \(\mu\) and \(\sigma_M\)
  1. Calculate test statistic under the null.
  • If \(z\), \(\frac{\bar{X} - \mu}{\sigma_M}\)
  1. Calculate probability of that test statistic or more extreme under the null, and compare to alpha.

One-sample tests compare your given sample with a “known” population.

Research question: does this sample come from this population?


  • \(H_0\): Yes, this sample comes from this population.

  • \(H_1\): No, this sample comes from a different population.

Example - Coffee Shop

Let’s say we collect data on customers of a coffee shop and we want to see if there is an equal number of folks that come into the shop across all days. Therefore, we record how many individuals came into the coffee shop over a weeks time.

How would we test this?

  • First, setup the Null and alternative:

    • \(H_0\): Customers will be equal across all days.

    • \(H_1\): There will be more customers on one or multiple days than others and will not be equal

Example - Distribution

days <- c("M", "T", "W", "R", "F")
expected <- rep(50, length(days)) 
df <- data.frame(days, expected) 
order <- c("M", "T", "W", "R", "F")  
unif <- df %>%    
  ggplot(aes(x = days, y = expected)) +    
  geom_col() +    
  scale_x_discrete(limits = order) +    
  labs(title = "Uniform - Null") +    
  ylim(0, 65)  

observed <- round(rnorm(5, mean = 55, sd = 4), 2) 
df2 <- data.frame(days, observed)  
rand <- df %>%    
  ggplot(aes(x = days, y = observed)) +    
  geom_col() +    
  scale_x_discrete(limits = order) +    
  labs(title = "Alternative") +    
  ylim(0, 65)  

(unif + rand)

Example - Set Alpha

After determining the Null and Alternative Hypotheses, we set our Alpha level.

Let’s keep things simple and keep it at convention to set it for \(\alpha\) = 0.05

Example - Distribution

Now we determine the type of distribution that we will be working with

In the past we have used:

  • Normal Distribution ( \(z\)-scores )

  • t-distribution ( \(t\)-scores )

Now we are going to be using a distribution that works with categorical (nominal) data.

The \(\chi^2\) - distribution

  • We use this distribution because we are dealing with (1) one sample, and (2) a categorical outcome

  • Note: this test will provide statistical evidence of an association or relationship between two categorical variables

??? The way you measure the variable determines whether it is categorical or continuous. We can create summary statistics from categorical variables by counting or calculating proportions – but that makes the summary statistics continuous, not the outcome variable itself.

Distribution - Degrees of freedom

The \(\chi^2\) distribution is a single-parameter distribution defined by it’s degrees of freedom.

In the case of a goodness-of-fit test (like this one), the degrees of freedom are \(\textbf{k-1}\), where k is the number of groups.

Degrees of freedom

The Degrees of freedom are the number of genuinely independent things in a calculation. It’s specifically calculated as the number of quantities in a calculation minus the number of constraints.

What it means in principle is that given a set number of categories (k) and a constraint (the proportions have to add up to 1), I can freely choose numbers for k-1 categories. But for the kth category, there’s only one number that will work.

The degrees of freedom are the number of categories (k) minus 1. Given that the category frequencies must sum to the total sample size, k-1 category frequencies are free to vary; the last is determined.

(critical_val = qchisq(p = 0.95, df = 5-1))
[1] 9.487729
data.frame(x = seq(0,20)) %>%   
  ggplot(aes(x = x)) +   
  stat_function(fun = function(x) 
    dchisq(x, df = 5-1), geom = "line") +   
  stat_function(fun = function(x) 
    dchisq(x, df = 5-1), geom = "area", fill = "purple",
                xlim =c(critical_val, 20)) +   
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = critical_val), linetype = 2, color = "purple")+   
  geom_text(aes(x = critical_val+2, 
                y = dchisq(critical_val, 5-1) + .05,
                label = paste("Critical Value =",
                              round (critical_val,2))),
            angle = 90)+   
  labs(x = "Chi-Square", y = "Density", title = "Area under the curve") +   
  theme_pubr(base_size = 20)

Calculating the \(\chi^2\) test statistic

Let’s first take a look at the observed data that we have as well as the expected data under the Null

observed <- df2 
expected <- df
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Observed \(O_i\) 60.48 52.74 56.45 57.53 56.62
Expected \(E_i\) 50 50 50 50 50

Now what? We need some way to index differences between these frequencies so that we can sensibly determine how rare or unusual the observed data are compared to the null distribution.

\[\chi^2_{df = k-1} = \sum^k_{i=1}\frac{(O_i-E_i)^2}{E_i}\]

The chi-square goodness of fit (GOF) statistic compares observed and expected frequencies. It is small when the observed frequencies closely match the expected frequencies under the null hypothesis. The chi-square distribution can be used to determine the particular \(\chi^2\) value that corresponds to a rare or unusual profile of observed frequencies.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Observed \(O_i\) 60.48 52.74 56.45 57.53 56.62
Expected \(E_i\) 50 50 50 50 50
Difference \(O_i - E_i\) 10.48 2.74 6.45 7.53 6.62
chisq_tab <- full_join(expected, observed) %>%    
  mutate(diff = (observed - expected)) 

chisq_tab %>%    
  kable(., format = "html", digits = 2,          
        align = c("c", "c", "c", "c"),          
        col.names = c("Days", "Expected", "Observed", "Difference")) 
Days Expected Observed Difference
M 50 60.48 10.48
T 50 52.74 2.74
W 50 56.45 6.45
R 50 57.53 7.53
F 50 56.62 6.62

We now have the differences between the expected and observed, but there are likely going to be some negative numbers. To fix this, we can square the differences

chisq_tab %>%    
  mutate(sq_diff=(diff^2)) %>%    
  kable(., format = "html", digits = 2,          
        align = c("c", "c", "c", "c", "c"),          
        col.names = c("Days", "Expected", "Observed", "Difference", "Sq. Diff"))
Days Expected Observed Difference Sq. Diff
M 50 60.48 10.48 109.83
T 50 52.74 2.74 7.51
W 50 56.45 6.45 41.60
R 50 57.53 7.53 56.70
F 50 56.62 6.62 43.82

Now we have a collection of numbers that are large whenever the null hypothesis makes a bad prediction and small when it makes a good prediction.

Next, we need to divide all numbers by the expected frequency as a way to put our estimate into perspective

chisq_tab <- chisq_tab %>%    
  mutate(sq_diff=(diff^2)) %>%   
  mutate(error = sq_diff/50)   

chisq_tab %>%    
  kable(., format = "html", digits = 2,          
        align = c("c", "c", "c", "c", "c", "c"),
        col.names = c("Days", "Expected", "Observed", "Difference", "Sq. Diff", "Error Score")) 
Days Expected Observed Difference Sq. Diff Error Score
M 50 60.48 10.48 109.83 2.20
T 50 52.74 2.74 7.51 0.15
W 50 56.45 6.45 41.60 0.83
R 50 57.53 7.53 56.70 1.13
F 50 56.62 6.62 43.82 0.88

We can finish this off by taking each of our scores related to “error” and adding them up

The result is the goodness of fit statistic (GOF) or \(\chi^2\)

chi_square <- sum(chisq_tab$error) 
[1] 5.189316

Let’s compare that to the critical \(\chi^2\) value given the df of the sample

critical_val <- qchisq(p = 0.95, 
                       df = length(chisq_tab$days)-1) 

[1] 9.487729

Calculate the probability of getting our sample statistic or greater if the null were true

p_val <- pchisq(q = chi_square, 
                df = length(chisq_tab$days)-1, 
                lower.tail = F) 

[1] 0.2684182

What can we conclude?

The degrees of freedom are the number of categories (k) minus 1. Given that the category frequencies must sum to the total sample size, k-1 category frequencies are free to vary; the last is determined.

data.frame(x = seq(0,20)) %>%   
  ggplot(aes(x = x)) +   
  stat_function(fun = function(x) dchisq(x, 
                                      df = length(chisq_tab$days)-1), geom = "line") +   
  stat_function(fun = function(x) dchisq(x, 
                                         df = length(chisq_tab$days)-1), 
                geom = "area", fill = "purple",                  xlim =c(critical_val, 20)) +   
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = critical_val), linetype = 2, color = "purple")+     
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = chi_square), linetype = 2, color = "black")+   
  geom_text(aes(x = critical_val+2, y = dchisq(critical_val, length(chisq_tab$days)-1) + .05,                  label = paste("Critical Value =", round (critical_val,2))), angle = 90)+     
  geom_text(aes(x = chi_square+2, y = dchisq(critical_val, length(chisq_tab$days)-1) + .05,                  
                label = paste("Test statistic =", round (chi_square,2))), angle = 90)+  
  labs(x = "Chi-Square", y = "Density", title = "Area under the curve") +
  theme_pubr(base_size = 20)

The degrees of freedom are the number of categories (k) minus 1. Given that the category frequencies must sum to the total sample size, k-1 category frequencies are free to vary; the last is determined.

data.frame(x = seq(0,20)) %>%   
  ggplot(aes(x = x)) +   
  stat_function(fun = function(x) dchisq(x, df = length(chisq_tab$days)-1), geom = "line") +   
  stat_function(fun = function(x) dchisq(x, df = length(chisq_tab$days)-1), geom = "area", fill = "purple",                  xlim =c(chi_square, 20)) +   
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = critical_val), linetype = 2, color = "black")+   
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = chi_square), linetype = 2, color = "purple")+   geom_text(aes(x = critical_val+2, y = dchisq(critical_val, length(chisq_tab$days)-1) + .05,                  label = paste("Critical Value =", round (critical_val,2))), angle = 90)+   
  geom_text(aes(x = chi_square+2, y = dchisq(critical_val, length(chisq_tab$days)-1) + .05,
                label = paste("Test statistic =", round (chi_square,2))), angle = 90)+   labs(x = "Chi-Square", y = "Density", title = "Area under the curve") +
  theme_pubr(base_size = 20)

Recap of the Steps

  1. Define null and alternative hypothesis.
  • \(H_0\): No difference across days

  • \(H_1\): Days will be different

  1. Set and justify alpha level \(\alpha\) = 0.05

  2. Determine which sampling distribution ( \(\chi^2\) )

  3. Calculate parameters of your sampling distribution under the null.

  • Calculate \(\chi^2\)-critical: 9.487729

Recap of the Steps (con’t.)

  1. Calculate test statistic under the null.
  • \(\chi^2_{df = k-1} = \sum^k_{i=1}\frac{(O_i-E_i)^2}{E_i}\)
  • 5.189316
  1. Calculate probability of that test statistic or more extreme under the null, and compare to alpha.

    pchisq(q = chi_square, 
           df = length(chisq_tab$days)-1, 
           lower.tail = F)
    [1] 0.2684182

Now that we know how to do the test using R, we now need to be able to write up the analyses that we just performed.

If we wanted to write these results from our example into a paper or something similar (maybe telling our pet who prefers scientific writing), we could do this:

Across all days of the average workweek, we observed, 60.48 patrons on Monday, 52.74 customers on Tuesday, 56.45 on Wednesday, 57.53 for Thursday, and finally 56.62 patrons on Friday. A chi-square goodness of fit test was conducted to test whether these data followed a uniform distribution with 50 visits per day. The results of the test ( \(\chi^2\)(4) = 5.19, \(p\) = 0.27) indicate no differences from the uniform distribution.

Across all days of the average workweek, we observed, 60.48 patrons on Monday, 52.74 customers on Tuesday, 56.45 on Wednesday, 57.53 for Thursday, and finally 56.62 patrons on Friday. A chi-square goodness of fit test was conducted to test whether these data followed a uniform distribution with 50 visits per day. The results of the test ( \(\chi^2\)(4) = 5.19, \(p\) = 0.27) indicate no differences from the uniform distribution.

A couple things to notice about the write up:

  1. Before the test, there are some descriptives

  2. Informs you of the null hypothesis

  1. Inclusion of a “stats block”
  2. Results are interpreted

But what if…

In the example, we had a null distribution that was distributed uniformly

What if that isn’t a super interesting research question?

Instead we may want to compare the proportions in our sample to a larger population

Example 2 - Schools & Super-powers

The data were obtained from Census at School, a website developed by the American Statistical Association tohelp students in the 4th through 12th grades understand statistical problem-solving.

  • The site sponsors a survey that students can complete and a database that students and instructors can use to illustrate principles in quantitative methods.

  • The database includes students from all 50 states, from grade levels 4 through 12, both boys and girls, who have completed the survey dating back to 2010.

Let’s focus on a single question:

Which of the following superpowers would you most like to have? Select one.

  • Invisibility
  • Telepathy (read minds)
  • Freeze time
  • Super strength
  • Fly

The responses from 250 randomly selected New York students were obtained from the Census at School database.

school <- read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dharaden/dharaden.github.io/main/data/example2-chisq.csv")  
school <- school %>%    
school %>%   
  group_by(Superpower) %>%   
  summarize(Frequency = n()) %>%   
  mutate(Proportion = Frequency/sum(Frequency)) %>%
        format = "html",
        digits = 2) %>%    
  kable_classic(font_size = 25)
Superpower Frequency Proportion
Fly 39 0.19
Freeze time 62 0.30
Invisibility 25 0.12
Super strength 13 0.06
Telepathy 67 0.33

Descriptively this is interesting. But, are the responses unusual or atypical in any way? To answer that question, we need some basis for comparison—a null hypothesis
One option would be to ask if the New York preferences are different compared to students from the general population.

school_usa <-  read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/uopsych/psy611/master/data/census_at_school_usa.csv")  
school_usa$Region = "USA" 

school %>%   
  full_join(select(school_usa, Region, Superpower)) %>%   
  filter(!is.na(Superpower)) %>%   
  group_by(Region, Superpower) %>%   
  summarize(Frequency = n()) %>%   
  mutate(Proportion = Frequency/sum(Frequency)) %>%   
  ggplot(aes(x = Region, y = Proportion, fill = Region)) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +   
    coord_flip() +   
    labs(x = NULL,     
         title = "Category Proportion as a function of Source") +
    guides(fill = "none") +   
    facet_wrap(~Superpower) +   
    theme_bw(base_size = 20) +    
    theme(plot.title.position = "plot")

\(H_0\): New York student superpower preferences are similar to the preferences of typical students in the United States.

\(H_1\): New York student superpower preferences are different from the preferences of typical students in the United States.

school %>%
  full_join(select(school_usa, Region, Superpower)) %>% 
  mutate(Region = ifelse(Region == "NY", "NY", "USA")) %>%
  filter(!is.na(Superpower)) %>%   
  group_by(Region, Superpower) %>%  
  summarize(Frequency = n()) %>% 
  mutate(Proportion = Frequency/sum(Frequency)) %>%  
  select(-Frequency) %>%   
  spread(Region, Proportion) %>% 
        col.names = c("Superpower", 
                      "NY Observed\nProportion", 
        format = "html",         
        digits = 2)%>%    
  kable_classic(font_size = 25)
Superpower NY Observed Proportion USA Proportion
Fly 0.19 0.23
Freeze time 0.30 0.25
Invisibility 0.12 0.20
Super strength 0.06 0.08
Telepathy 0.33 0.24

Calculating the \(\chi^2\) test statistic

To compare the New York observed frequencies to the US data, we need to calculate the frequencies that would have been expected if New York was just like all of the other states.

The expected frequencies under this null model can be obtained by taking each preference category proportion from the US data (the null expectation) and multiplying it by the sample size for New York:

\[E_i = P_iN_{NY}\]

Superpower Observed Freq Expected Freq
Fly 39 46.91
Freeze time 62 50.37
Invisibility 25 39.51
Super strength 13 15.80
Telepathy 67 47.41

Now what? We need some way to index differences between these frequencies, preferably one that translates easily into a sampling distribution so that we can sensibly determine how rare or unusual the New York data are compared to the US (null) distribution.

\[\chi^2_{df = k-1} = \sum^k_{i=1}\frac{(O_i-E_i)^2}{E_i}\]

The chi-square goodness of fit (GOF) statistic compares observed and expected frequencies. It is small when the observed frequencies closely match the expected frequencies under the null hypothesis. The chi-square distribution can be used to determine the particular \(\chi^2\) value that corresponds to a rare or unusual profile of observed frequencies.

ny_expected = (table(school_usa$Superpower)/sum(table(school_usa$Superpower)))*200 

           Fly    Freeze time   Invisibility Super strength      Telepathy 
            39             62             25             13             67 

           Fly    Freeze time   Invisibility Super strength      Telepathy 
      46.91358       50.37037       39.50617       15.80247       47.40741 
ny_expected = (table(school_usa$Superpower)/sum(table(school_usa$Superpower)))*200 

           Fly    Freeze time   Invisibility Super strength      Telepathy 
            39             62             25             13             67 

           Fly    Freeze time   Invisibility Super strength      Telepathy 
      46.91358       50.37037       39.50617       15.80247       47.40741 
(chi_square = sum((ny_observed - ny_expected)^2/ny_expected))
[1] 17.94071
ny_expected = (table(school_usa$Superpower)/sum(table(school_usa$Superpower)))*200 

           Fly    Freeze time   Invisibility Super strength      Telepathy 
            39             62             25             13             67 

           Fly    Freeze time   Invisibility Super strength      Telepathy 
      46.91358       50.37037       39.50617       15.80247       47.40741 
(chi_square = sum((ny_observed - ny_expected)^2/ny_expected)) 
[1] 17.94071
(critical_val = qchisq(p = 0.95, df = length(ny_expected)-1))
[1] 9.487729
ny_expected = (table(school_usa$Superpower)/sum(table(school_usa$Superpower)))*200 

           Fly    Freeze time   Invisibility Super strength      Telepathy 
            39             62             25             13             67 

           Fly    Freeze time   Invisibility Super strength      Telepathy 
      46.91358       50.37037       39.50617       15.80247       47.40741 
(chi_square = sum((ny_observed - ny_expected)^2/ny_expected)) 
[1] 17.94071
(critical_val = qchisq(p = 0.95, df = length(ny_expected)-1)) 
[1] 9.487729
(p_val = pchisq(q = chi_square, df = length(ny_expected)-1, lower.tail = F))
[1] 0.001267462

The degrees of freedom are the number of categories (k) minus 1. Given that the category frequencies must sum to the total sample size, k-1 category frequencies are free to vary; the last is determined.

data.frame(x = seq(0,20)) %>%   
  ggplot(aes(x = x)) +   
  stat_function(fun = function(x) dchisq(x, df = length(ny_expected)-1), geom = "line") + 
  stat_function(fun = function(x) dchisq(x, df = length(ny_expected)-1), geom = "area", fill = "purple",                  xlim =c(critical_val, 20)) + 
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = critical_val), linetype = 2, color = "purple")+    
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = chi_square), linetype = 2, color = "black")+  
  geom_text(aes(x = critical_val+2, y = dchisq(critical_val, length(ny_expected)-1) + .05,                  label = paste("Critical Value =", round (critical_val,2))), angle = 90)+    
  geom_text(aes(x = chi_square+2, y = dchisq(critical_val, length(ny_expected)-1) + .05,
                label = paste("Test statistic =", round (chi_square,2))), angle = 90)+ 
  labs(x = "Chi-Square", y = "Density", title = "Area under the curve") +  
  theme_pubr(base_size = 20)

The degrees of freedom are the number of categories (k) minus 1. Given that the category frequencies must sum to the total sample size, k-1 category frequencies are free to vary; the last is determined.

data.frame(x = seq(0,20)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = x)) +   stat_function(fun = function(x) dchisq(x, df = length(ny_expected)-1), geom = "line") +   stat_function(fun = function(x) dchisq(x, df = length(ny_expected)-1), geom = "area", fill = "purple",                  xlim =c(chi_square, 20)) + 
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = critical_val), linetype = 2, color = "black")+ 
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept = chi_square), linetype = 2, color = "purple")+  
  geom_text(aes(x = critical_val+2, y = dchisq(critical_val, length(ny_expected)-1) + .05,                  label = paste("Critical Value =", round (critical_val,2))), angle = 90)+ 
  geom_text(aes(x = chi_square+2, y = dchisq(critical_val, length(ny_expected)-1) + .05,
                label = paste("Test statistic =", round (chi_square,2))), angle = 90)+ 
  labs(x = "Chi-Square", y = "Density", title = "Area under the curve") + 
  theme_pubr(base_size = 20)

p.usa = (table(school_usa$Superpower)/sum(table(school_usa$Superpower))) 

           Fly    Freeze time   Invisibility Super strength      Telepathy 
    0.23456790     0.25185185     0.19753086     0.07901235     0.23703704 
chisq.test(x = ny_observed, p = p.usa)

    Chi-squared test for given probabilities

data:  ny_observed
X-squared = 17.243, df = 4, p-value = 0.001733

The New York student preferences are unusual under the null hypothesis (USA preferences).

Note that the chisq.test function takes for x a vector of the counts. In other words, to use this function, you need to calculate the summary statisttic of counts and feed that into the function.

c.test = chisq.test(x = ny_observed, p = p.usa) 
List of 9
 $ statistic: Named num 17.2
  ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "X-squared"
 $ parameter: Named num 4
  ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "df"
 $ p.value  : num 0.00173
 $ method   : chr "Chi-squared test for given probabilities"
 $ data.name: chr "ny_observed"
 $ observed : 'table' int [1:5(1d)] 39 62 25 13 67
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 1
  .. ..$ : chr [1:5] "Fly" "Freeze time" "Invisibility" "Super strength" ...
 $ expected : 'table' num [1:5(1d)] 48.3 51.9 40.7 16.3 48.8
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 1
  .. ..$ : chr [1:5] "Fly" "Freeze time" "Invisibility" "Super strength" ...
 $ residuals: 'table' num [1:5(1d)] -1.341 1.405 -2.46 -0.812 2.6
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 1
  .. ..$ : chr [1:5] "Fly" "Freeze time" "Invisibility" "Super strength" ...
 $ stdres   : 'table' num [1:5(1d)] -1.533 1.624 -2.746 -0.846 2.977
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 1
  .. ..$ : chr [1:5] "Fly" "Freeze time" "Invisibility" "Super strength" ...
 - attr(*, "class")= chr "htest"

           Fly    Freeze time   Invisibility Super strength      Telepathy 
    -1.3408927      1.4047879     -2.4598546     -0.8121473      2.6002917 

     Chi-square test against specified probabilities

Data variable:   as.factor(school$Superpower) 

   null:        true probabilities are as specified
   alternative: true probabilities differ from those specified

               observed freq. expected freq. specified prob.
Fly                        39       48.32099      0.23456790
Freeze time                62       51.88148      0.25185185
Invisibility               25       40.69136      0.19753086
Super strength             13       16.27654      0.07901235
Telepathy                  67       48.82963      0.23703704

Test results: 
   X-squared statistic:  17.243 
   degrees of freedom:  4 
   p-value:  0.002 

(Note that this function, goodnessOfFitTest, takes the raw data, not the vector of counts.)

What if we had used the equal proportions null hypothesis?

lsr::goodnessOfFitTest(x = as.factor(school$Superpower))

     Chi-square test against specified probabilities

Data variable:   as.factor(school$Superpower) 

   null:        true probabilities are as specified
   alternative: true probabilities differ from those specified

               observed freq. expected freq. specified prob.
Fly                        39           41.2             0.2
Freeze time                62           41.2             0.2
Invisibility               25           41.2             0.2
Super strength             13           41.2             0.2
Telepathy                  67           41.2             0.2

Test results: 
   X-squared statistic:  52.447 
   degrees of freedom:  4 
   p-value:  <.001 

Why might this be a sensible or useful test?

The usefulness of \(\chi^2\)

How often will you conducted a \(chi^2\) goodness of fit test on raw data?

  • (Probably) never

How often will you come across \(\chi^2\) tests?

  • (Probably) a lot!

The goodness of fit test is used to statistically test the how well a model fits data.

Model Fit with \(\chi^2\)

To calculate Goodness of Fit of a model to data, you build a statistical model of the process as you believe it is in the world.

  • example: depression ~ age + parental history of depression
  • Then you estimate each subject’s predicted/expected value based on your model.

  • You compare each subject’s predicted value to their actual value – the difference is called the residual ( \(\varepsilon\) ).

If your model is a good fit, then

\[\Sigma_1^N\varepsilon^2 = \chi^2\]

  • We would then compare that to the distribution of the Null: \(\chi^2_{N-p}\) .

  • Significant chi-square tests suggest the model does not fit – the data have values that are far away from “expected.”

\(\chi^2\) test of independence or association

\(\chi^2\) test of independence or association

The previous tests that we conducted last class, we were focused on the way our data (NY Students Superpower Preferences) “fit” to the data of an expected distribution (US Student Superpower Preferences)

Although this could be interesting, sometimes we have two categorical variables that we want to compare to one another

  • How do types of traffic stops differ by the gender identity of the police officer?

Let’s take a look at a scenario:

We are part of a delivery company called Planet Express

Let’s take a look at a scenario:

We are part of a delivery company called Planet Express

We have been tasked to deliver a package to Chapek 9

Let’s take a look at a scenario:

We are part of a delivery company called Planet Express

We have been tasked to deliver a package to Chapek 9

Unfortunately, the planet is inhabited completely by robots and humans are not allowed

In order to deliver the package, we have to go through the guard gate and prove that we are able to gain access

At the guard gate

(Robot Voice)


A: A Puppy

B: A pretty flower from your sweetie

C: A large properly-formatted data file


  • Clearly an ingenious test that will catch any imposters!
  • But what if humans and robots have similar preferences?

Luckily, I have connections with Chapek 9 and we can see if there are any similarities between the responses.

Let’s work through how to do a \(\chi^2\) test of independence (or association)

First, we have to load in the data:

chapek9 <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dharaden/dharaden.github.io/main/data/chapek9.csv") %>%    
  mutate(choice = as.factor(choice),           
         species = as.factor(species))

Chapek 9 Data

Take a peek at the data:

  species choice
1   robot flower
2   human   data
3   human   data
4   human   data
5   robot   data
6   human flower
# or  

Chapek 9 Data

Look at the summary stats for the data:

  species      choice   
 human:93   data  :109  
 robot:87   flower: 43  
            puppy : 28  

Chapek 9 Data - Cross Tabs

There are a few different ways to look at these tables. We can use xtabs()

chapekFreq <- xtabs( ~ choice + species, data = chapek9) 
choice   human robot
  data      65    44
  flower    13    30
  puppy     15    13

Constructing Hypotheses

Research hypothesis states that “humans and robots answer the question in different ways”

Now our notation has two subscript values?? What torture is this??

Constructing Hypotheses

Once we have this established, we can take a look at the null

  • Claiming now that the true choice probabilities don’t depend on the species making the choice ( \(P_i\) )

  • However, we don’t know what the expected probability would be for each answer choice

    • We have to calculate the totals of each row/column

Chapek 9 Data - Cross Tabs

Let’s use R to make the table look fancy and calculate the totals for us!

We will use the library sjPlot (link)

Note: Will need to knit the document to get this table

tab_xtab(var.row = chapek9$choice,
         var.col = chapek9$species, 
         title = "Chapek 9 Frequencies") 
Chapek 9 Frequencies
choice species Total
human robot
data 65 44 109
flower 13 30 43
puppy 15 13 28
Total 93 87 180
χ2=10.722 · df=2 · Cramer's V=0.244 · p=0.005

Note about degrees of freedom

Degrees of freedom comes from the number of data points that you have, minus the number of constraints

  • Using contingency tables (or cross-tabs), the data points we have are \(rows * columns\)

  • There will be two constraints and \(df = (rows-1) * (columns-1)\)

We now have all the pieces for a \(classic\) Null Hypothesis Significance Test

But we have these computers, so why not use them?

Using the associationTest() from the lsr library

lsr::associationTest(formula = ~choice+species, 
                     data = chapek9)

     Chi-square test of categorical association

Variables:   choice, species 

   null:        variables are independent of one another
   alternative: some contingency exists between variables

Observed contingency table:
choice   human robot
  data      65    44
  flower    13    30
  puppy     15    13

Expected contingency table under the null hypothesis:
choice   human robot
  data    56.3  52.7
  flower  22.2  20.8
  puppy   14.5  13.5

Test results: 
   X-squared statistic:  10.722 
   degrees of freedom:  2 
   p-value:  0.005 

Other information: 
   estimated effect size (Cramer's v):  0.244 

Maybe we want to keep it traditional and use chisq.test() will there be a difference?

Book Ch 12.6 - The most typical way to do a chi-square test in R

chi <- chisq.test(table(chapek9$choice, chapek9$species)) 

    Pearson's Chi-squared test

data:  table(chapek9$choice, chapek9$species)
X-squared = 10.722, df = 2, p-value = 0.004697

But what if we want to visualize it? Use sjPlot again


Let’s clean that up a little bit more

plot_xtab(chapek9$choice, chapek9$species, 
          margin = "row", bar.pos = "stack", coord.flip = TRUE)

Writing it up

Pearson’s \(\chi^2\) revealed a significant association between species and choice ( \(\chi^2 (2) =\) 10.7, \(p\) < .01), such that robots appeared to be more likely to say that they prefer flowers, but the humans were more likely to say they prefer data.

Assumptions of the test

  • The expected frequencies are rather large

  • Data are independent of one another

Next Class

Depending on how far we get today, likely a lecture on Tuesday (11/12) and then the in-person group lab on Thursday