Comparing Means: Paired t-tests

PSYC 640 - Fall 2023

Dustin Haraden, PhD

Last week

  • Comparing Means: \(t\)-test
    • Independent Samples \(t\)-test
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# Assumption Checks

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  • Comparing Means with the \(t\)-test

    • Paired Samples
state_school <- import("")

Review: Independent \(t\)-test

Independent Samples \(t\)-test

Chapter 13.3 in Learning Stats with R

Two different types: Student’s & Welch’s

  • Student’s \(t\)-test
  • Welch’s \(t\)-test

\[ t = \frac{\bar{X_1} - \bar{X_2}}{SE(\bar{X_1} - \bar{X_2})} \]

Types of t-Tests: Assumptions

Single Samples t-test

Independent Samples t-test

Paired Samples t-test

  • Approximately normal distributions

  • Homogeneity of variances

  • Spoiler Alert! The same as a one-sample \(t\)-test

Steps for \(t\)-test

  1. Check for normality of variables
    • Visualizing, Q-Q plots, Statistical Tests
  2. Homogeneity of Variance
    • Levene’s test –> Welch’s \(t\)-test

Student’s t-test: In R


  formula = Sleep_Hours_Schoolnight ~ Region, 
  data = state_school, 
  var.equal = TRUE #default is FALSE

   Student's independent samples t-test 

Outcome variable:   Sleep_Hours_Schoolnight 
Grouping variable:  Region 

Descriptive statistics: 
               NM    NY
   mean     6.989 6.994
   std dev. 1.379 1.512

   null:        population means equal for both groups
   alternative: different population means in each group

Test results: 
   t-statistic:  -0.024 
   degrees of freedom:  180 
   p-value:  0.981 

Other information: 
   two-sided 95% confidence interval:  [-0.428, 0.418] 
   estimated effect size (Cohen's d):  0.004 


  formula = Sleep_Hours_Schoolnight ~ Region, 
  data = state_school, 
  var.equal = TRUE

    Two Sample t-test

data:  Sleep_Hours_Schoolnight by Region
t = -0.023951, df = 180, p-value = 0.9809
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group NM and group NY is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.4281648  0.4178954
sample estimates:
mean in group NM mean in group NY 
        6.989247         6.994382 

Welch’s t-test: In R


  formula = Sleep_Hours_Schoolnight ~ Region, 
  data = state_school, 
  var.equal = FALSE #This is what is different!

   Welch's independent samples t-test 

Outcome variable:   Sleep_Hours_Schoolnight 
Grouping variable:  Region 

Descriptive statistics: 
               NM    NY
   mean     6.989 6.994
   std dev. 1.379 1.512

   null:        population means equal for both groups
   alternative: different population means in each group

Test results: 
   t-statistic:  -0.024 
   degrees of freedom:  176.737 
   p-value:  0.981 

Other information: 
   two-sided 95% confidence interval:  [-0.429, 0.419] 
   estimated effect size (Cohen's d):  0.004 


  formula = Sleep_Hours_Schoolnight ~ Region, 
  data = state_school, 
  var.equal = FALSE #This is what is different!

    Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  Sleep_Hours_Schoolnight by Region
t = -0.023902, df = 176.74, p-value = 0.981
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group NM and group NY is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.4290776  0.4188082
sample estimates:
mean in group NM mean in group NY 
        6.989247         6.994382 

Interpreting and writing up an independent samples t-test

The first sentence usually conveys some descriptive information about the two groups you were comparing. Then you identify the type of test you conducted and what was determined (be sure to include the “stat block” here as well with the t-statistic, df, p-value, CI and Effect size). Finish it up by putting that into person words and saying what that means.

The mean amount of sleep in New Mexico for youth was 6.989 (SD = 1.379), while the mean in New York was 6.994 (SD = 1.512). A Student’s independent samples t-test showed that there was not a significant mean difference (t(180)=-0.024, p=.981, \(CI_{95}\)=[-0.43, 0.42], d=.004). This suggests that there is no difference between youth in NM and NY on amount of sleep on school nights.

Today: Paired Samples

Paired Samples \(t\)-Test

Chapter 13.5 - Learning Stats with R

Also called “Dependent Samples t-test”

  • We have been testing means between two independent samples. Participants may be randomly assigned to the separate groups

    • This is limited to those types of study designs, but what if we have repeated measures?
  • We will then need to compare scores across people…the samples we are comparing now depend on one another and are paired

Paired Samples \(t\)-test

Each of the repeated measures (or pairs) can be viewed as a difference score

This reduces the analysis to a one-sample t-test of the difference score

  • We are comparing the sample (i.e., difference scores) to a population \(\mu\) = 0

Assumptions: Paired Samples

The variable of interest (difference scores):

  • Continuous (Interval/Ratio)

  • Have 2 groups (and only two groups) that are matched

  • Normally Distributed

Why paired samples??

Previously, we looked at independent samples \(t\)-tests, which we could do here as well (nobody will yell at you)

  • However, this would violate the assumption that the data points are independent of one another!

  • Within vs. Between-subjects

Within vs. Between Subjects

Paired Samples: Single Sample

Instead of focusing on these variables as being separate/independent, we need to be able to account for their dependency on one another

This is done by calculating a difference or change score for each participant

\[ D_i = X_{i1} - X_{i2} \]

Notice: The equation is set up as variable1 minus variable2. This will be important when we interpret the results

Paired Samples: Hypotheses & \(t\)-statistic

The hypotheses would then be:

\[ H_0: \mu_D = 0; H_1: \mu_D \neq 0 \]

And to calculate our t-statistic:       \(t_{df=n-1} = \frac{\bar{D}}{SE(D)}\)

where the Standard Error of the difference score is:        \(\frac{\hat{\sigma_D}}{\sqrt{N}}\)

Review of the t-test process

  1. Collect Sample and define hypotheses

  2. Set alpha level

  3. Determine the sampling distribution (\(t\) distribution for now)

  4. Identify the critical value that corresponds to alpha and df

  5. Calculate test statistic for sample collected

  6. Inspect & compare statistic to critical value; Calculate probability

Example 1: Simple

Participants are placed in two differently colored rooms and are asked to rate overall happiness levels after each


  • \(H_0:\) There is no difference in ratings of happiness between the rooms ( \(\mu = 0\) )

  • \(H_1:\) There is a difference in ratings of happiness between the rooms ( \(\mu \neq 0\) )

Participant Blue Room Score Orange Room Score Difference (\(X_{iB} - X_{iO}\))
1 3 6 -3
2 9 9 0
3 2 10 -8
4 9 6 3
5 5 2 3
6 5 7 -2
ex1 <- data.frame(
  id = c(1,2,3,4,5,6),
  blue = c(3,9,2,9,5,5), 
  orange = c(6,9,10,6,2,7),
  diff_score = c(-3, 0, -8, 3, 3, -2))

Determining \(t\)-crit

Can look things up using a t-table where you need the degrees of freedom and the alpha

But we have R to do those things for us:

#the qt() function is for a 1 tailed test, so we are having to divide it in half to get both tails
alpha <- 0.05
n <- nrow(ex1)
t_crit <- qt(alpha/2, n-1)
[1] -2.570582

Calculating t

Let’s get all of the information for the sample we are focusing on (difference scores):

d <- mean(ex1$diff_score)
[1] -1.166667
sd_diff <- sd(ex1$diff_score)
[1] 4.167333

Calculating t

Now we can calculate our \(t\)-statistic: \[t_{df=n-1} = \frac{\bar{D}}{\frac{sd_{diff}}{\sqrt{n}}}\]

t_stat <- d/(sd_diff/(sqrt(n)))
[1] -0.6857474
#Probability of this t-statistic 
p_val <- pt(t_stat, n-1)*2
[1] 0.5233677

Make a decision


  • \(H_0:\) There is no difference in ratings of happiness between the rooms ( \(\mu = 0\) )

  • \(H_1:\) There is a difference in ratings of happiness between the rooms ( \(\mu \neq 0\) )

\(alpha\) \(t-crit\) \(t-statistic\) \(p-value\)
0.05 \(\pm\) -2.57 -0.69 0.52

What can we conclude??

Example 2: Data in R

We will use the same dataset that we have in the last few classes

state_school <- import("")

Let’s Look at the data

Research Question: Is there a difference between school nights and weekend nights for amount of time slept?

Only looking at the variables that we are potentially interested in:

state_school %>% 
  select(Gender, Ageyears, Sleep_Hours_Schoolnight, Sleep_Hours_Non_Schoolnight) %>% 
  head() #look at first few observations
  Gender Ageyears Sleep_Hours_Schoolnight Sleep_Hours_Non_Schoolnight
1 Female       16                     8.0                          13
2   Male       17                     8.0                           9
3 Female       19                     8.0                           7
4   Male       17                     8.0                           9
5   Male       16                     8.5                           5
6 Female       11                    11.0                          12

Difference Score

This can be done in a couple different ways and sometimes you will see things computed this way:

state_school$sleep_diff <- state_school$Sleep_Hours_Schoolnight - state_school$Sleep_Hours_Non_Schoolnight

However, we like the tidyverse so why don’t we use the mutate() function

And I always overdo things, so I am going to make a new dataset that only has the variables that I’m interested in (sleep_state_school)

sleep_state_school <- state_school %>% 
  mutate(sleep_diff = Sleep_Hours_Schoolnight - Sleep_Hours_Non_Schoolnight) %>%
  select(Gender, Ageyears, Sleep_Hours_Schoolnight,
         Sleep_Hours_Non_Schoolnight, sleep_diff)

  Gender Ageyears Sleep_Hours_Schoolnight Sleep_Hours_Non_Schoolnight
1 Female       16                     8.0                          13
2   Male       17                     8.0                           9
3 Female       19                     8.0                           7
4   Male       17                     8.0                           9
5   Male       16                     8.5                           5
6 Female       11                    11.0                          12
1       -5.0
2       -1.0
3        1.0
4       -1.0
5        3.5
6       -1.0


Now that we have our variable of interest, let’s take a look at it!

sleep_state_school %>%
  ggplot(aes(sleep_diff)) + 

Doing the test in R: One Sample

Since we have calculated the difference scores, we can basically just do a one-sample t-test with the lsr library

oneSampleTTest(sleep_state_school$sleep_diff, mu = 0)

   One sample t-test 

Data variable:   sleep_state_school$sleep_diff 

Descriptive statistics: 
   mean         -1.866
   std dev.      2.741

   null:        population mean equals 0 
   alternative: population mean not equal to 0 

Test results: 
   t-statistic:  -9.106 
   degrees of freedom:  178 
   p-value:  <.001 

Other information: 
   two-sided 95% confidence interval:  [-2.27, -1.462] 
   estimated effect size (Cohen's d):  0.681 

Doing the test in R: Paired Sample

Maybe we want to keep things separate and don’t want to calculate separate values. We can use pairedSamplesTTest() instead!

  formula = ~ Sleep_Hours_Schoolnight + Sleep_Hours_Non_Schoolnight, 
  data = sleep_state_school

   Paired samples t-test 

Variables:  Sleep_Hours_Schoolnight , Sleep_Hours_Non_Schoolnight 

Descriptive statistics: 
            Sleep_Hours_Schoolnight Sleep_Hours_Non_Schoolnight difference
   mean                       6.992                       8.858     -1.866
   std dev.                   1.454                       2.412      2.741

   null:        population means equal for both measurements
   alternative: different population means for each measurement

Test results: 
   t-statistic:  -9.106 
   degrees of freedom:  178 
   p-value:  <.001 

Other information: 
   two-sided 95% confidence interval:  [-2.27, -1.462] 
   estimated effect size (Cohen's d):  0.681 

Doing the test in R: Classic Edition

As you Google around to figure things out, you will likely see folks using `t.test()

  x = sleep_state_school$Sleep_Hours_Schoolnight, 
  y = sleep_state_school$Sleep_Hours_Non_Schoolnight, 
  paired = TRUE

    Paired t-test

data:  sleep_state_school$Sleep_Hours_Schoolnight and sleep_state_school$Sleep_Hours_Non_Schoolnight
t = -9.1062, df = 178, p-value < 0.00000000000000022
alternative hypothesis: true mean difference is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -2.270281 -1.461563
sample estimates:
mean difference 

Reporting \(t\)-test

The first sentence usually conveys some descriptive information about the sample you were comparing (e.g., pre & post test).

Then you identify the type of test you conducted and what was determined (be sure to include the “stat block” here as well with the t-statistic, df, p-value, CI and Effect size).

Finish it up by putting that into person words and saying what that means.

Common Mistakes and Pitfalls

  • Misinterpreting p-Values

  • Violations of Assumptions

  • Sample Size Considerations

  • Multiple Testing Issues

If we have time: Example 3 - Dog Training

A dog trainer wants to know if dogs are faster at an agility course if a jump is early in the course or later. She has a sample of dogs from her classes run both courses and measures their finish times. Half the class runs the early barrier version on Tuesday, half the class runs the early barrier version on Thursday. Is there a significant difference between course types (alpha = 0.05)?

Next time…

  • Visualizing with ggplot

  • Parameterization of reports (not using “magic numbers”)